
Welcome to SouthwestTrakers blog. We are dedicated to sharing N-Scale model railroading through the use of T-Trak modules. We are in Lubbock, Texas, USA and currently number 7 modelers, well over 50 presentable modules, with over 24 modules cut out and in some stage of becoming presentable.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Yep, I'm in - now to edit the pictures and videos from last weeks' show
We recently displayed 52 T-Trak modules at Groves Library for 5-1/2 days. We had a total of 1,111 visitors during the week.

The layout was generally shaped like a large "J" with walk-around access on all sides. We had three inner loops ranging from 10 to 14 foot in length, surrounded by an outer loop around the entire layout, which we calculated to be about 3-1/4 scale miles in length.

In between visitors, Joe and I counted the number of modules in various stages of construction by our group. We have 24 additional modules which we hope to have on-line by the end of 2011. Some are simple, and some are quite complex, and they vary from simple single modules to sets of modules, like Pinedale Logging complex.

Pinedale logging consists of two 14" deep triples combined with a wide (18") 180-degree curve, with a mountain division track.

We'll get photos and videos of the Groves Library show posted soon.

Thanks for following our progress. Come join us. It's fun!
Welcome to Southwest Trakers, dedicated to sharing N-Scale model railroading through the use of T-Trak modules.

We are located in Lubbock, Texas, USA and welcome everyone interested in N-Scale model railroading.

Follow our progress (we organized in February, 2011) as we begin to grow (there are four official members now) as an organized group of modelers. Right now there are six N-Scale T-Trak modelers in Lubbock (that we know of), and one from just down the road in Clovis, New Mexico.

We can also be found on Yahoo! Groups. Just search the groups for SouthWestTrakers.