
Welcome to SouthwestTrakers blog. We are dedicated to sharing N-Scale model railroading through the use of T-Trak modules. We are in Lubbock, Texas, USA and currently number 7 modelers, well over 50 presentable modules, with over 24 modules cut out and in some stage of becoming presentable.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Wow, it's been a while since 10/10/2014.  A lot has happened in the interim.  We've moved twice, I've had several surgeries (rotator cuff, then shoulder joint replacement.)

So, here at the end of winter 2019, I'm able to get back to the trains.  I now reside in Collinsville, TX, north of Dallas about 18 miles south of Oklahoma.
Contact has been made with North Texas TTrak group, and I have been in two shows since 1/1/2019.  Oh, man, it felt GOOD to participate, especially with the friendly people of NTTT.

In the second show I was able to trial a new small camera, and make some N cab ride videos.

Here's the NTTT layout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJsmlrEM9E8

And, on the Tex-N layout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqARHBhgHrE

I'm hoping to finally get a semi-permanent layout set up by summer.  I've been making drawings using modules I have, I must say it's looking promising. A part of it should be the CJ&K Rwy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TSlIm96Nzg

Big dreams - and if I can not fall and injure myself again, just maybe . . .