This year, six classes, with a total of 131 kids, were shown a small N-scale layout. It was so much fun to see their bright eyes, big smiles, and excited voices. I am well paid, indeed.
The layout was arranged in a square manner. It was a bit crowded around the tables as the classes came out, one class at a time. Next year I'll have to plan a layout with more "edge space" to lessen the crowding.
Here's a few pictures. The kids are not shown for obvious reasons.
A hit with them was the "fainting man." Back in a recessed area, a figure had fallen over.
The kids were concerned about him, deciding that a figure in (almost) white was a nurse going to check on him. Also, the emergency helicopter (it's on the layout) was coming to get him.
After all that ecxitment, I will have to go back and glue him down, permanently. Thanks, kids!