
Welcome to SouthwestTrakers blog. We are dedicated to sharing N-Scale model railroading through the use of T-Trak modules. We are in Lubbock, Texas, USA and currently number 7 modelers, well over 50 presentable modules, with over 24 modules cut out and in some stage of becoming presentable.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Quadopus Takes Form

It's not finished, but I'm making progress on a box for my DCC
system. It has a Digitrax DCS200 command station and, hidden
underneath, a PM42 power monitor card that provides outputs
for four separate power districts via the blue/white Power Pole
connectors. Two connections for the Loconet cables are also
available for the throttle connections.
The lid will mount on lift-off hinges, so there is no danger of it
slamming shut while in operation, damaging cables.
Not real pretty, but the 3/4" plywood should make it very
sturdy for portable use at shows.